"Our mission is to provide a quality education for all students, in a safe and nurturing environment, in partnership with parents and our community."
Regular Bell Schedule
Zero Hour 6:40-7:35
1st Hour 7:40-8:35
2nd Hour 8:40-9:35
3rd Hour 9:40-10:35
4th Hour 10:40-11:35
5th Hour 11:40-12:35
Lunch 12:35-1:05
6th Hour 1:10-2:05
7th Hour 2:10-3:05
Roughrider Readiness Schedule
Zero Hour 6:40-7:35
1st Hour 7:40-8:35
2nd Hour 8:40-9:30
3rd Hour 9:35-10:25
Advisory 10:30-10:50
4th Hour 10:55-11:45
5th Hour 11:50-12:40
Lunch 12:40-1:10
6th Hour 1:15-2:10
7th Hour 2:15-3:05
Assembly Schedule
Zero Hour 6:40-7:30
1st Hour 7:40-8:25
2nd Hour 8:30-9:15
Assembly 9:20–10:10
3rd Hour 10:15-11:00
4th Hour 11:05-11:50
5th Hour 11:55-12:40
Lunch 12:40-1:20
6th Hour 1:25-2:15
7th Hour 2:20-3:05
A Note From the Nurse
Please remember to keep your child home from school if they develop any of these signs of illness.
Coughing, with other signs of illness
Fever or chills
Sore throat or trouble swallowing
Muscle aches with headache
Breathing trouble
Unusual spots or rashes
A child should be fever-free for 24 hours (without fever reducing medicine) before returning to school.
Keeping a sick child home helps prevent the spread of disease at school.
Please help keep our school healthy.
If your child must use medication while at school, the parent/guardian must check in with the school nurse and complete the proper paperwork. All medications need to be in the original container. If it is a doctor prescribed medication, the prescription label must be present.
If you have a student who has been prescribed an inhaler for asthma purposes or epi-pen for allergies, the school nurse must have written documentation from the parent/guardian giving permission for the student to carry these types of medications with them. These are the only medications students are allowed to carry.
Kimala McKenzie, RN
School Nurse